Reynolds Museum provides a variety of school field trip programs.
- All bookings with registered Alberta schools include admissions.
- Prices include GST.
- Virtual programs available on request.
- Contact the Booking Coordinator to book all programs. Two weeks notice is appreciated.
Kindergarten to Grade 3
Fun at Work
Have we got a job for you! Whether in an urban factory building cars on an assembly line, joining a pit crew at the race track, or selling tickets and snacks at the drive-in theatre, students have a great time learning that cooperation gets the job done!
Grades: Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $6 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Learning Outcomes
- Kindergarten Social Studies
- Examine places in communities.
- Explore self, others and the past through expressions of traditions, cultures and histories.
- Investigate roles in communities.
- Explain how cooperation contributes to achieving common goals.
- Grade 1 Social Studies
- Explore cultures and histories of diverse communities.
- Explore goods and services and how they can be exchanged.
- Investigate roles and responsibilities.
- Explore ways groups and communities contribute to identity and belonging.
- Grade 2 Social Studies
- Explore ways trade supports local communities.
- Examine ways to make decisions and solve problems.
From field to table, students learn how wheat is harvested, thresh their own wheat, and enjoy a taste of pancakes they make themselves.
Grades: Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $6 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Learning Outcomes
- Kindergarten Social Studies
- Examine places in communities.
- Explore self, others and the past through expressions of traditions, cultures and histories.
- Investigate roles in communities.
- Explain how cooperation contributes to achieving common goals.
- Grade 1 Social Studies
- Explore cultures and histories of diverse communities.
- Explore goods and services and how they can be exchanged.
- Investigate roles and responsibilities.
- Explore ways groups and communities contribute to identity and belonging.
- Grade 2 Social Studies
- Explore ways trade supports local communities.
- Examine ways to make decisions and solve problems.
Preparation Checklist
- Students handle wheat and eat the pancakes they make.
- Please advise us of any allergy or gluten sensitivity issues.
Pioneer Skills
Be a survivor in early Alberta using your newly acquired prairie skills. Make rope, butter, and a pioneer toy to take home.
Grades: Grade 2, Grade 4
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $6 per student, minimum fees may apply
Curriculum Connections
Grade 2 Social Studies
- 2.2: A Community in the Past
- Grade 4 Social Studies
- 4.2: The Stories, Histories and Peoples of Alberta
Kites and Crashes
Come on down and let’s play Fly or Flop. Students look at a variety of early airplane designs and guess which ones got off the ground and which ones did not.
Students discuss the importance of design and materials in the development of an airplane, and are introduced to the experiments of Alexander Graham Bell, with the tetrahedral kite.
Each student builds a kite to take home.
Grades: Grade 5
Dates available: All Year
Total time: 1.5 hours
Cost: $9 per student, Minimum fees may apply.
Learning Outcomes
- Grade 5 Science
- Investigate and compare how forces affect things and objects in air.
- Apply design processes when creating artifacts that can be used by a human or machine to address a need.
- Investigate how evidence is gathered.
Preparation Checklist
Students will be required to tie knots and thread string through straws.
We recommend that you:
- Practice tying knots in class before you visit the museum.
- Bring parent helpers to assist with the kite build.
The Alphabet Machine
These interactive programs introduce students to some of the fun and sometimes quirky machines found at the Reynolds-Alberta Museum!
Choose from the following programs:
- T is for Tractor
- A is for Animal
Grades: Pre-School, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2
Dates available: All Year
Total time: Each program is 30 minutes long.
Cost: $4 per student per program, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections:
- Science
Expedition Reynolds - June 23-27, 2025
Expedition Reynolds features a combination of self-guided and educator-led activities from our most popular programs.
Activity stations will be set up throughout the Museum Galleries and the grounds for students to participate in. Students will explore topics in early agriculture, aviation, simple machines, and industry while enjoying the exhibits at the Museum.
Each student will have the opportunity to make a simple toy to take home, make rope with their class, play the aviation game show "Fly or Flop", work on the assembly line, design and aircraft and test it in a wind tunnel, build a rocket and more!
Grades: K - 6
Dates: June 23-27, 2025 only
Total Time: Plan to spend 2-4 hours
Cost: $10 per student
Curriculum Connections:
Science/Social Studies
Grades 4-5
Pioneer Skills
Be a survivor in early Alberta using your newly acquired prairie skills. Make rope, butter, and a pioneer toy to take home.
Grades: Grade 2, Grade 4
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $6 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections
- Grade 2 Social Studies
- 2.2: A Community in the Past
- Grade 4 Social Studies
- 4.2: The Stories, Histories and Peoples of Alberta
Wheels and Levers
Using Lego® Dacta Kits, students build devices that use wheels and axles, including gear systems and pulleys. Students explore the concepts of gearing up and gearing down.
Grades: Grade 4
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $6 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections
Grade 4 Science
- Topic B: Wheels and Levers
Widget Works
This program expands on the Wheels and Levers program. Students learn speed and force advantage through demonstrations of a Penny Farthing bicycle, a tricycle, and a rope machine.
Grades: Grade 3, Grade 4
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $6 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Learning Outcomes
Grade 3 Science
- Conduct investigations to determine the effects of contact forces on objects, including simple machines
Grade 4 Science
- Topic B: Wheels and Levers
RAM Racers
Explore how automotive design has evolved and put this new knowledge to work when building and customizing a mini racer.
Students test their inventions on the RAM raceway.
Each student takes their car home.
Grades: Grade 4
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $10 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections
Grade 4 Science
- Topic C: Building Devices that Move
Preparation Checklist
- Students will be using hammers
- Bring parent helpers to assist with this activity
Squishy Circuits
Squishy Circuits uses conductive and insulating play dough to teach the basics of electrical circuits. Students will build a variety of electronic sculptures that light up, move, and make sounds.
Grades: Grade 5
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $7 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections
Grade 5 Science
- Topic A: Electricity and Magnetism
- Closed, open and short circuit
- Insulators and conductors
- Topic B: Mechanisms using electricity
- Parallel and series circuits
- Polarity and electrical flow
- Building devices using electricity
Electric Cars
Build a vehicle to take home, which uses a battery-powered electric motor to produce motion. Students explore the historical and contemporary significance of electric cars.
Grades: Grade 5
Dates available: All year
Total time: 2 hours
Cost: $10 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections
Grade 5 Science
- Topic A: Electricity and Magnetism
- Topic B: Mechanisms Using Electricity
Preparation Checklist
- Students will wire their own cars
- Bring additional parent helpers
Time Flies - Self-Guided Booklet
This self-guided program encourages students to explore the Museum with purpose. The questions will direct students to learn, fun, historical facts about aviation, industry, transportation and agricultural artifacts on display.
Grades: Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $2 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections:
- 4.2 The stories Histories and Peoples of Alberta
Expedition Reynolds - June 23-27, 2025
Expedition Reynolds features a combination of self-guided and educator-led activities from our most popular programs.
Activity stations will be set up throughout the Museum Galleries and the grounds for students to participate in. Students will explore topics in early agriculture, aviation, simple machines, and industry while enjoying the exhibits at the Museum.
Each student will have the opportunity to make a simple toy to take home, make rope with their class, play the aviation game show "Fly or Flop", work on the assembly line, design and aircraft and test it in a wind tunnel, build a rocket and more!
Grades: K - 6
Dates: June 23-27, 2025 only
Total Time: Plan to spend 2-4 hours
Cost: $10 per student
Curriculum Connections:
Science/Social Studies
Grades 6 and Up
Kites and Crashes
Come on down and let’s play Fly or Flop. Students look at a variety of early airplane designs and guess which ones got off the ground and which ones did not.
Students discuss the importance of design and materials in the development of an airplane, and are introduced to the experiments of Alexander Graham Bell, with the tetrahedral kite.
Each student builds a kite to take home.
Grades: Grade 3, Grade 6
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1.5 hours
Cost: $9 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections
- Grade 3 Science
- Topic B: Building with a Variety of Materials
- Topic C: Testing Materials and Designs
- Grade 6 Science
- Topic A: Air and Aerodynamics
- Topic B: Flight
Preparation Checklist
Students will be required to tie knots and thread string through straws.
We recommend that you:
- Practice tying knots in class before you visit the museum
- Bring extra parent helpers to assist with the kite build
Flight Ops
Divided into 3 fun, educational, hands-on stations, students explore flight, air, and aerodynamics.
Station 1:
- Investigate a variety of aircraft configurations and how they operate
- Review the four forces of flight
Station 2:
- Discuss Bernoulli’s Principle and the importance of airfoils
- Observe how air moves over a surface using a vertical wind tunnel
Station 3:
- Teams challenge each other in a fun and interactive game show, identifying control surfaces and major components of an aircraft.
- Try out the controls in a 1940 Stinson aircraft and 1965 Hughes helicopter.
Grades: Grade 5, Grade 6
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1.5 hours
Cost: $7 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections
Grade 6 Science
- Topic A: Air and Aerodynamics
- Topic B: Flight
Preparation Checklist
Teacher and a parent helper will lead 2 of the 3 stations.
Rocket Science
Learn about rocket history and science.
Conduct experiments exploring Newton's Laws of Motion. Challenge your knowledge of aerodynamics by designing and building two types of rockets.
Apply your understanding of Newton's Laws by launching your rockets and reviewing the group's results.
Grades: Grade 6
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1.5 hours
Cost: $7 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections
Grade 6 Science
- Topic A: Air and Aerodynamics
Preparation Checklist
- Bring additional parent helpers.
- Teacher/parent helper will lead one of the rocket-building stations (instructions provided prior to our visit)
Modus Mechanicus
Take a close look at how simple machines translate energy into motion, speed, and force.
Students explore practical applications of simple machines using a cream separator, a Penny Farthing bicycle, and a tricycle.
Grades: Grade 7, Grade 8
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $6 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections
Grade 7 Science
- Unit D: Structures and Forces
Grade 8 Science
- Unit D: Mechanical Systems
Simple Machines
Using Lego® Dacta Kits, students analyze mechanical devices and identify components that operate as simple machines.
Students construct both gear and belt-driven systems, and assess turning ratios between a driving and driven shaft.
Grade: Grade 8
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $6 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections
Grade 8 Science
- Unit D: Mechanical Systems
Shop Talk (Grade 7+)
This tour highlights our "museum-quality" restoration projects and provides opportunity for your students to talk to our restoration staff.
Grades: 7-12
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $100, 30 student maximum per tour.
Curriculum Connections
Curriculum ties based on individual class needs
Time Flies - Self-Guided Booklet
This self-guided program encourages students to explore the Museum with purpose. The questions will direct students to learn, fun, historical facts about aviation, industry, transportation and agricultural artifacts on display.
Grades: Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6
Dates available: All year
Total time: 1 hour
Cost: $2 per student, minimum fees may apply.
Curriculum Connections:
- 4.2 The stories Histories and Peoples of Alberta
Expedition Reynolds - June 23-27, 2025
Expedition Reynolds features a combination of self-guided and educator-led activities from our most popular programs.
Activity stations will be set up throughout the Museum Galleries and the grounds for students to participate in. Students will explore topics in early agriculture, aviation, simple machines, and industry while enjoying the exhibits at the Museum.
Each student will have the opportunity to make a simple toy to take home, make rope with their class, play the aviation game show "Fly or Flop", work on the assembly line, design and aircraft and test it in a wind tunnel, build a rocket and more!
Grades: K - 6
Dates: June 23-27, 2025 only
Total Time: Plan to spend 2-4 hours
Cost: $10 per student
Curriculum Connections:
Science/Social Studies
Home Schooling
Programs designed for multiple age levels to participate together.
Up, Up & Away
Students play a fun game show exploring aircraft design. They will gain an understanding of air pressure, Bernoulli's Principle and angle of attack. Students try out the control surfaces of a 1940 Stinson airplane and a 1965 Bell Hughes helicopter.
This program requires parents, under the instruction of our Museum Educator, to lead activity stations.
Ages: 5 and up
Dates Available: Year-round
Total Time: 2 hours
Cost: $6 per child
Curriculum Connections: Science
Grow it, Wear it, Live it
Learn about early Alberta life through hands-on stations. Use a loom to weave fabric, play the stooking game to learn about grain harvesting, explore horsepower, and investigate objects representing historical Albertans.
This program requires parents, under the instruction of our Museum Educator, to lead activity stations.
Ages: 5 and up
Dates: Year-round
Total Time: 2 hours
Cost: $6 per child
Curriculum Connections: Social Studies
Cranes and Catapults
Discover the science behind simple and complex machines from ancient civilizations to modern societies.
Build cranes, launch catapults and conduct experiments to learn how machines work and why they are useful.
Ages: 5 and up
Dates: Year-round
Total Time: 2 hours
Cost: $6 per child
Curriculum Connections: Science